Wednesday, January 5, 2011


The stressful weeks before the wedding lent themselves to easy fear and more than ready concerns making the Spirit's work on the day of their marriage a quiet startle to my heart.

My heart had been doing a good job of warding off most emotion with exhaustion and busy-ness that day, but the Spirit, BEING the Holy Spirit was able to do His revelatory work, even through my thickness.
What used to be "What in the world are you thinking about school and career?" and "Why don't you see what I see concerning opportunities and direction?" was all of a sudden, "Oh! That is who you ARE, dear one!"
Peace indescribable invaded the place that used to be muddied with appearances and approval seeking.
I saw her, uncomfortable with public attention - the beautiful bride...yet, when one-on-one and/or by her groom's side greeting strangers, warm and at ease.
I saw the love her friends had for her as they said their good byes and was reminded at how she, the daughter, can calm this mother's hurt with a warm look and a squeeze of the hand. She is lovely.

Realizations, as only the Spirit can give, washed over me.

I see her as part of God's plan being used for His glory--Not a child being forced to become who she's not.
He saved her from me. He saved me from the past that ruled my thoughts and actions.
He is so good and I praise Him for His miraculous work.

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